Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Interesting going to work these days

They are remodeling our old Courthouse, where I work. We have been out of our office since May. We thought we would be back in our office by Sept., then, Oct., and now it's almost Dec. I guess that is to be expected, between Historic Society (grant money for remodeling), architects, contractors, everyone in between. Our office is coming along, though. They are taking it back to the original ceilings, walls, going to be beautiful. Our windows with bunches of little panes, were sent away and refurbished. They are now back in. All the wood is oak, and now has been restained and varnished.

But where we are working now, is with another office, we share phones, and work space. The ceiling is leaking, because they are working on the bathroom above us. Lots of people in and out. Been very interesting. Electricity is off and on in other offices, the contractors have accidently cut phone lines, computer lines. We just can't wait to get back to normal around here. Just a little more patience!!!!! I will post a picture when things are done. It's an old building getting a face lift, but some parts will be brand new.

Will keep you updated!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Family weekend

I have a very fun weekend coming up. I grew up being very close to my cousins. My mom was the oldest of 7 siblings, and we all spent every Thanksgiving, Christmas, most Easters.

One of my cousins has twin boys that are Seniors playing in a High School Football playoff game here in our home town. They are playing on the opposing team! Should be very interesting. Afterwards the family and friends are all coming to my house for slopping joes and the works. I am so looking forward to a big family get together!

The above picture is some of the cousins at a recent family reunion. By the way, I am the oldest of the cousins, also.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween '09

So as I promised here is a picture of us girls dressed as the Jackson 5. We had just as much fun getting ready as we did going to the costume party! We had snacks and cocktails, sang a little, danced a little, and handed out candy to my friend's Trick or Treaters, too. Unfortunately we did not win, but if we had we practiced a song the Jackson 5 did, Rockin Robin. Just in case we needed to perform. We are such show offs! There were sooooo many good costumes, I don't know how people come up with such things.