Monday, December 29, 2008

Manic Monday

Manic Monday #148
What is the biggest mistake you made in 2008 and will not make again in 2009?
Gosh, I can't think of the biggest mistake, lets say I make lots of small ones, like saying things before thinking about it, being totally clumsy, assuming things , and being very gullable.

Do you make New Year's resolutions? No, I don't make New Year's Resolutions, because I very rarely keep them. I just try to be a good person everyday of the year.

Who do you nominate as “Man or Woman of the Year” for 2008? Whether I voted for him or not, probably Borack O'Bama, because he did something no one else has ever done, being voted in as the first black president.

What was your greatest accomplishment in 2008? I would say being sworn in as the State President of our Treasurer's Association.

Happy New Year to you all!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bad Dog

We always wrap our dog's Christmas presents and put them under the tree, we show them their presents and they carry them around every time they come in. They would like to open them, but we tell them they have to wait until Christmas. Since the weather has been extremely cold (under 10 degrees at night), they have been getting to sleep in at night. My husband had to go to work early on Tuesday morning, and I went to take my bath. I was in the bathroom about 15 minutes and this is what I found when I came out. Jake had opened both his present and Gus's and was looking so proud. It was so funny I ran and got the camera, after which I told him he was a bad boy and them cleaned up the mess. I re-wrapped the presents and put them back under the tree. But unfortunately, they both now know what they are getting!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Progressive Party

So I was over at Etc., Etc., Etc., reading about Debbie's party. What a party! Good job, Deb. So I thought I better tell about the party we had Saturday night. A few of my couple friends decided to have a progressive Christmas Party. We all have decorated our houses and everyone wanted to have a get together at their house, so we compromised. We started at the Patrick's house for hors de' ours and cocktails. We visited for about an hour, before we headed for the next house where we had our main course. The last stop was at my house for cheesecake with different fruit toppings. We headed for the basement to finish the evening with cocktails, again and for some team pool playing. One couple lives 20 mile in the country, so they brought the wine. It was a fun night. P.S. We did have a designated driver. Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday Fill-Ins

It has been awhile since I posted with Thanksgiving, and Christmas shopping and all. So thought I better do a Friday Fill-in, they look fun!

1. Snow is here, but also with it comes the cold and wind.

2. I'm looking forward to my husband's company Christmas Party tonight.

3. Family, love, and good health is the best Christmas gift ever!

4. One of my favorite old tv shows is the Carol Burnett Show.

5. I'm done with my Christmas shopping! Yea!

6. The most enjoyable thing around the holidays is getting together with all my friends and family at different get togethers.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to see above, tomorrow my plans include doing some holiday cooking and enjoying being home and Sunday, I want to go to church, watch the Broncos play, and enjoy the rest of the weekend!