Monday, December 29, 2008

Manic Monday

Manic Monday #148
What is the biggest mistake you made in 2008 and will not make again in 2009?
Gosh, I can't think of the biggest mistake, lets say I make lots of small ones, like saying things before thinking about it, being totally clumsy, assuming things , and being very gullable.

Do you make New Year's resolutions? No, I don't make New Year's Resolutions, because I very rarely keep them. I just try to be a good person everyday of the year.

Who do you nominate as “Man or Woman of the Year” for 2008? Whether I voted for him or not, probably Borack O'Bama, because he did something no one else has ever done, being voted in as the first black president.

What was your greatest accomplishment in 2008? I would say being sworn in as the State President of our Treasurer's Association.

Happy New Year to you all!

1 comment:

Carin Diaz said...

Being a good person each year is a great resolution. Happy 2009!